The Health and Social Care Standards (the Standards) set out what you should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland.
They seek to provide better outcomes for everyone; to ensure that individuals are treated with respect and dignity, and that the basic human rights we are all entitled to are upheld. The objectives of the Standards are to drive improvement, promote flexibility and encourage innovation in how people are cared for and supported.
- Dignity and respect.
- My human rights are respected and promoted.
- I am respected and treated with dignity as an individual.
- I am treated fairly and do not experience discrimination.
- My privacy is respected.
- I experience warm, compassionate and nurturing care and support.
- My care is provided by people who understand and are sensitive to my needs and my wishes.
Be Included
- I receive the right information, at the right time and in a way that I can understand.
- I am supported to make informed choices, so that I can control my care and support.
- I am included in wider decisions about the way the service is provided, and my suggestions, feedback and concerns are considered.
- I am supported to participate fully and actively in my community.
Responsive care and support
- My health and social care needs are assessed and reviewed to ensure I receive the right support and care at the right time.
- My care and support adapts when my needs, choices and decisions change.
- I experience consistency in who provides my care and support and in how it is provided.
- If I make a complaint it is acted on.
- I am asked about my lifestyle preferences and aspirations and I am supported to achieve these.
- I am encouraged and helped to achieve my full potential.
- I am supported to make informed choices, even if this means I might be taking personal risks.
- I feel safe and I am protected from neglect, abuse or avoidable harm.

Care Inspectorate
Arberglen is regulated by the Care Inspectorate. Inspections take place at least once per year and you have the opportunity to contribute your comments to the Inspectorate. You can view our latest inspection report at the home or by clicking on the button below.